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This is a timeline that has plotted dates from the late 1980s until 2010. Each year plotted is important to the Rave scene’s history and has corresponding links to articles so you can learn more information about the rave or person. It is important to discuss DJ’s who helped the scene in the United States as well as certain massive raves that keep gaining popularity. Electric Daisy Carnival is an important rave to document because in 2010 it became the biggest rave outside of Europe. It is also important because the carnival shows us the negative aspects of raving because a young girl had died from taking ecstasy.

The end of the timeline talks about raves in San Luis Obispo because this blog is focused on the San Luis Obispo rave scene. I chose to discuss “Neons & Nonsense” because The Graduate in San Luis Obispo held this event. The Graduate is a venue that usually hosts nights for Hip Hop and country. For “Neons and Nonsense” the venue was crowded and DJ’s were playing Electronic Dance Music. In November, there was also a renegade called “Take Me There” in the San Luis Obispo County Area. The rave lasted all night long and people were gathered by fires to warm themselves up in the forest. Footage of the rave can be seen under “Pros/Cons of the San Luis Obispo Rave Scene. This timeline makes it easier for readers to understand how raves have become popular and moved to larger arenas.

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